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Saturday, July 14, 2018

On Cauls

Cauls are parts of the amniotic membrane enclosing a fetus. Sometimes babies are born with this entire membrane still intact and sometimes with one part. When this happened in the past, it was often thought to be a sign, and the caul itself was regarded a treasure to hold closely for various reasons. See HERE for more on the apotropaic object held inside.

Thursday, July 5, 2018

Ted Talkery

Vanessa Ruiz discusses anatomical illustration in contemporary artwork:

And if you want to see some X-ray art, this is where to go: 

Tuesday, July 3, 2018

The Many Hearts of Jenna Morello

Here is a smattering of her cast resin hearts:

See here full shop HERE.

Chinese Cricket Cages

Crickets have long been fascinating pets in China and Japan. They are hunted, brought home, and put in tiny, ornate cages. Some were also made to fight. Some of these crickets are fairly large and can get quite loud.

Cages from the early 20th century can be from straw, wood, gourd, brass, ivory--you name it. You can get an idea of how precious and diverse they are on sites like THIS

Here's a modern market in Shanghai: