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Thursday, April 23, 2015

Aesthetically Pleasing Surgical Instruments from the Arabic World


Allen Jones's Influence on A Clockwork Orange (The Movie)

Allen Jones is known for is human furniture--often featuring women in, let's say, compromising and uncomfortable positions.

Apparently Stanley Kubrick called him after seeing an exhibition of his work, but failed to offer any compensation other than fame. Instead, the set designer made new furniture based on his concepts.

Saturday, April 18, 2015

Ilnna Wunderwald

I'll just share some images, but for more information go to the source HERE.

Thursday, April 16, 2015

Thursday, April 9, 2015


This article goes from this:

To this:

Tuesday, April 7, 2015

Being Buried, or whatever

There are many ways of being buried.

Just read the story. People can be made into gemstones, dog treats, or have profanities on their tombstones.

And a quote:

"Franklin D. Roosevelt left a careful list of specifications for his own burial, including the instruction that 'the casket be of absolute simplicity, dark wood, that the body be not embalmed or hermetically sealed.' To this last detail Gore Vidal is rumored to have quipped: 'Being Franklin, he wanted to get back into circulation as soon as possible.'"

Other considerations might be artisanal fish food or donating your body to science.

The Rack Doesn't Just Tear Tendons

Apparently--according to these folks--the rack is meant to actually fracture bone:

And some more awful things to consider HERE